ENDY NEWS: St. Martin’s to have homecoming

Published 5:20 pm Thursday, July 19, 2018

Saint Martin’s Lutheran Church
St. Martin’s will have homecoming on Aug. 26. There will only be one service that day at 10:30 a.m., followed by a covered dish lunch.

July Birthdays
13th: Shelby Dennis; 16th: Jennifer Smith; 18th: Scott Guyette; 19th: Kenneth Efird, Kim Whitley; 20th: Matt Guyette; 22nd: Will Napier; 24th: Shearon Efird, Gerald Efird; 26th: Nathan Barringer, Will Behling, Sara Cox; 27th: Ruby Efird; 29th: Ian Simmons; 30th: Megan Chamberlain, Erica Lee, Roger Morton, Tony Ramsey

Prayer Concerns
Linda O’Hara, Mike Fischer, Gary Boyd, Danny McIlwaine, Betty Lambert and Carter Blake.


I have had to change my email account due to unforeseen circumstances.
My email if you have any news from Endy is smc071205@gmail.com.

Martha Dennis writes the Endy News which runs the first and third Thursday of each month. News needs to be in no later than Monday night. Email contributions to smc71205@hotmail.com by the prior Monday.