ELLEN GASKINS: Ridgecrest hears ‘The One Essential Fact’
Published 1:34 pm Thursday, July 12, 2018
Ridgecrest Presbyterian Church

Ellen Gaskins writes the Ridgecrest News.
July 1, the message, “Steadfast to the End,” was presented by Larry Pittman. The sermon scriptures were from II Timothy 4:9-22. The Old Testament reading was from Genesis 50:15-21.
July 8, the message, “The One Essential Fact,” was presented by Pittman. The sermon scriptures were from I Corinthians. The Old Testament readings were from Job 19:23-29.
The session will have its quarterly meeting Sunday immediately following worship.
The quarterly offering collected in support of our missionary family totaled $260. Thank you to all who could contribute.
Prayer meeting is now at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. All are welcome to join us in the fellowship hall.
The July food challenge for Stanly Community Christian Ministry is staple items (flour, sugar, vegetable oil, broth, cooking spray).
They are also in need of soup, Beef-a-roni, Hamburger Helper, jelly, canned meats and oatmeal.
July Birthdays
10 — Brenda Smith, 14 — Chris Lee, 16 — Larry Mauney
July Anniversaries
21 — Chris and Kristen Lee
August Birthdays
16 — Lewis Furr
August Anniversaries
25 — Coy and Martha Thompson, 29 — Larry and Tammy Pittman
Dates to Remember
Sunday — Session meeting
July 22 — Parents Day
Sept. 26 — Walk for life
Prayer Concerns
Don Almond asks that we keep him in our prayers. Mr. Almond would welcome any and all visitors who would like to stop by and see him. Don has moved to Woodhaven, in room 100.
If anyone would like to send him a card his address is as follows: Don Almond, Woodhaven Court Room #100, 1930 Woodhaven Drive, Albemarle, NC 28001.
Judy Chappell, David Fesperman, Tammy Pittman, Steve and Laura Troutman, Candi and Jeremy Reed, Rozenna Tucker, Wanda Krimminger and Bob, Tammy’s mother, Charlene Wallace and son-in-law, Don Almond, Larry and Betty Mauney, Steve White, Roy and Lois Furr, Jeannette Troutman, Katie Fisher, Pauline Tucker, Charlie and Mary Isenhower.
Oak Grove UMC
Oak Grove United Methodist Church is at 32056 Herrin Grove Road, Mt. Pleasant.
Bridge to Recovery is collecting new or gently used bathing towels for their residents. Please consider helping by bringing a donation.
For Beau’s ordination process, he has to do a service project.
On the third Sunday of each month he would like to collect donations towards the purchase of books for each kindergartner at the end of the school year at Millingport Elementary to have to read for the summer. There are more than 30 kindergarten students.
The same is being done for Badin Elementary. Thank you for your help and support.
Warrior Jace bracelets are available in the sanctuary on the front pew. You can leave a donation or take one free of charge. Please continue to keep praying for Jace and his family.
The congregation is asked to bring in canned food, toiletries and other necessities every week to donate to those that need it most in our community.
Call Ellen Gaskins at 704-485-8177, leave a message or email yellow feather59@hotmail.com.