ENDY NEWS: Church welcomes guest pastor
Published 7:45 am Thursday, August 2, 2018
Saint Martin’s Lutheran Church

Martha Dennis writes the ENDY News for the SNAP.
St. Martin’s welcomed Pastor Marcus Hovis as guest pastor on July 29. He used scripture from 2 Kings 4 and John 6 for his children’s messages, “More than Enough,” and his worship message, “Feeding the Flock.”
St. Martin’s will celebrate homecoming on Aug. 26 with one service at 10:30 a.m., followed by a covered dish luncheon.
Prayer Concerns
Ken and Sue Coleman, Mike Fischer, Gary Boyd, Danny McIlwaine, Betty Lambert, Sherrill Hahn, Jennifer Hardy, Chris Martin and Carter Blake.
July 30: Erica Lee, Roger Morton, Megan Chamberlain; Aug. 8: Trudie Williams, Brandi McKinney; 9th: Myrtle Parker; 10th: Jordan Crisco; 11th: Stephanie Luther, Ron Smith, Abby Lawhon; 13th: Durayne Whitley, Ashley Holmes; 14th: Dannie McIlwaine; 15th: Naley Barringer, Betty Wilson.
3rd: Scott and Lisa Behling; 5th: Durane and Kim Whitley; 12th: Chad and Martha Dennis; 14th: Mike and Pattie Efird.
Martha Dennis writes the Endy News which runs the first and third Thursday of each month. News needs to be in no later than Monday night. Email contributions to smc71205@hotmail.com by the prior Monday.