Love Thy Neighbor collects school supplies
Published 3:41 pm Thursday, August 9, 2018
The July 29 worship service at Palestine United Methodist Church was led by Chip Richie while Pastor Kevin McCormac was on a mission trip to Costa Rica. Mr. Richie shared a message titled “Cry Out” and used scripture from Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, 1 Corinthians and Philippians.
The Aug. 5 service at Palestine UMC was led by Jay Belk. Mr. Belk delivered his message titled “Rigid Heart or Pliable Heart” and used Luke 5:27-39 as his scripture selections.
The Palestine United Methodist Women’s Fifth Sunday Luncheon fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to all who prepared the food and all who stayed and enjoyed the meal.
The Love Thy Neighbor group is collecting school supplies for children in the community. Donations of pencils, paper, notebooks, pencil sharpeners, erasers, glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, Expo markers, highlighters, scissors, pens (red, blue and black), dividers with tabs, 3-ring notebooks, pencil boxes and earbuds are being accepted through Aug. 19.
Please see any member of the Love Thy Neighbor group for more information.
The Peanut Butter and Jelly Ministry is collecting juice, cereal, grits, oatmeal, dry beans, green beans, spaghetti, macaroni, other pastas, spaghetti sauce, Alfredo sauce, Jiffy cornbread mix and Hamburger Helper.
Please see Susie Bowers or Robi Cagle with donations.
Many thanks to all who have helped and continue to help this ministry provide food for children during the summer months.
IllumiNATIONS East fall event will be Sept. 28-30. Please let Tom Biby or Hillari Thompson know of any members of the community who need work done around their home or if you would like to volunteer to help on a work site.
Volunteers are needed for children’s church for October. See Joyce Hathcock to volunteer.
The Love Thy Neighbor ministry of Palestine UMC can be reached at or call 704-690-4940. Visit www. for more information about Palestine United Methodist Church.
August Birthdays
2 – Maddie Rose Warner; 5 – Kyla Cooper; 7 – Harvey Hathcock; 9 – Brooke Burgess; 10 – Ronnie Carter, Mike Fontana; 11 – Tom Biby; 14 – Danny Griffin; 16 – Richard Tucker; 17 – Jonathan McCormac; 18 – Rick Culp; 19 – Jane Hathcock; 20 – Ryan Hathcock; 22 - Evey Medlin, CJ Cranford, Jill McLain; 23 – Karen Burgess; 25 – Dewey Hopkins; 27 – Elaine McCroskey; 28 – Doug Allman, Martha Wilcox; 29 – Joan Talbert; 31 – Becky Biby.
August Anniversaries
7 – Adam and Katie Drye; 12 – Steve and Lori Hudson.
Upcoming Events
Sundays – EPIC 4:12 meets at 5 p.m. in the church parsonage.
Sundays – GLOW meets at 5 p.m.
Aug. 14 – The Palestine Pals will meet at 11:30 a.m. at Rosebriar Restaurant.
Aug. 15 – Love Thy Neighbor group will meet at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Sept. 5 – Home Alone group will meet at 4 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Sept. 6 – Palestine United Methodist Men will meet at 7 p.m. at Blue Bay Seafood Restaurant.
Sept. 6 – Palestine United Methodist Women will meet at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Community Prayer Concerns
Johnny Hall; Jef Ferris; Nancy and Lanny Cranford; Caroll Flack; Scott and Linda Keeter; Wendell Drye; Sherrill Drye; Marvin, Barbara and Michelle Hinson; Kristie Crayton; Rita Lomax and family; Harry Bost; Julie Crisco; Keith Drye; David Lowder; Martha Wilcox’s sister-in-law; Josh and Alison Mauldin; Millie McCormac; Taylor, baby Bo and family; Tom Luther; Stephanie Hathcock; Kevin Helms; Helen Adams; Johnsie Herlocker; Dianne Conner’s friends Mike and Teresa; Robi Cagle; Ricky and Etta Hopkins; Jeremy Watkins; Patty Hendrix; Darrell and Jane Creed; Christian Thompson; Tony Hall; Mildred Efird; Nellie and Leroy Tucker; Linda Fraley and family; Hunter Johnson’s father; Bradley Davis; Jackie Hoover; Robin Helms; Dewey and Vera Hopkins; Kate Drye; John Owens; Johnnie Caudle; Joyce Hathcock’s mother Lorene; Doris Beverly; Lynn Myers; Linda Little; Earl Oaks; Robert Jordan and family; Mary Ann and Robert Brantley; Robi McSwain; Burrell Maner’s sisters; Rick Bean; Kevin Kubacki; Lewis James; the family of Betty St. Clair; family of JW Fraley; family of Ralph Thompson; family of Folger Koontz; family of Bexley Cooper; Nick Rochester; Don Heafner.