Kim Page Column: Let’s go, West Stanly
Published 10:08 pm Friday, August 31, 2018
Hello, Stanly County.

Kim Page
My name is Kim Page, and I am the proud principal of West Stanly High School, located at 306 East Red Cross Road in Oakboro. It is my pleasure to serve this community.
I grew up in Stanly County and attended Stanly County Schools. A 1993 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte receiving a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, I taught at three schools in Stanly County — Oakboro, Endy and Stanfield.
In 2000, I earned a Master’s of School Administration also from UNC-Charlotte. It has been an honor to serve as an administrator at Stanfield Elementary School and West Stanly High School.
My heart is in Stanly County, and my motivation is deep-rooted. I am passionate about our public schools.
Our students in Stanly County deserve everything we can give them.
I have been blessed to have had some of the most wonderful teachers and mentors in my time as a student and now educator here — Mary and Larry Sides, Bill Hinson, Jim Misenheimer, Gurney Barbee, just to name a few — the list is extensive.
Their love for education was contagious, and I’ve made it my mission to keep their enthusiasm for children alive. This is my payback to a place that has been so good to me.
The staff at West Stanly High School has worked extremely hard to prepare for this school year. They have pulled together to create a unique learning environment for every student.
Michael Jordan says it best, “Heart is what separates the good from the great.” This staff is constantly striving for greatness. Their heart is in West Stanly.
This summer the West Stanly staff gathered and developed a theme for this year — Let’s Go #noexcuses.
Singer and songwriter Calvin Harris was the inspiration behind the theme with his 2012 song, “Let’s Go.” We have taken this now to a whole new level, applying the lyrics of the song to all we do on a daily basis.
“Let’s go! Make no excuses now…
It’s not about what you’ve done, it’s about what you’re doing.
It’s all about where you’re going, not about where you have been.
Let’s go!”
Students will be flooded with the positive vibes expressed in this song from bulletin boards, the pep band playing “Let’s Go” at home football games and a lip sync version performed by our staff.
We believe in these words.
We welcome our returning staff and students and those who have moved in to join us.
Welcome to West Stanly. Now, LET’S GO!