Jo Grey Column: National Public Lands Day coming up
Published 9:14 am Thursday, September 13, 2018
Badin Library
Everyone is invited to weekly Storytime and crafts today and every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Bring a friend for a cool reading adventure.
Badin Library hours are Monday, 3-7 p.m., Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., and Thursday, 3-7 p.m.
Call Treva Allmon, branch manager, with questions about the programs and services: 704-422-3218.

Jo Grey writes the Badin News for the SNAP.
Badin Baptist
Pastor B.J. Bowers hosts a Bible study and prayer gathering each Wednesday at 7 p.m. The youth also meet. Everyone is invited to this time of fellowship.
Morrow Mountain
Two new opportunities are coming up for touring the historic Kron House: this Sunday from 2-3 p.m., and also Sunday afternoon, Oct. 7.
The 19th century dwelling opens a window on the life of Dr. Francis Kron, horticulturist, professor, physician.
Family Activities for National Public Lands Day on Sept. 29 will take place from 5-7 p.m. beginning at Shelter A atop Morrow Mountain.
Kids can earn a junior ranger badge by participating in a stewardship project and a hike of the Loop Trail while learning about public lands.
The day’s accomplishments will be recognized with a swearing in of the new junior Rangers and making s’mores.
Please call 704-982-4402 to reserve a spot.
Sunshine Club
Join this friendly group on Sept. 25 at 10:30 a.m. at the Fellowship Hall of Badin Baptist Church, 28 Falls Road.
An informative program regarding necessary end of life decisions will be presented by local attorney Mark Lowder.
Please bring a covered dish to share for lunch following the program.
Sunshine Club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, enjoying fellowship around a meal together.
This year’s varied programs are being planned by Gail Osting.
Visitors and new members are welcome anytime.
First Baptist
Pastor Anthony Neal invites the community to take part in POP – Power of Prayer – on Wednesday at 7 p.m.
This is an opportunity to share prayer requests and pray for others by dialing-in at 712-775-7031. Use the passcode 240-412-063.
Badin Presbyterian
A monthly service of Communion, Bible study and prayer is planned for 7 p.m. Wednesday at the church, 153 Spruce St.
Pastor Dan Wray will lead.
Newcomers are welcome.
The Badin Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study for 2018-19 begins at 2 p.m. Oct. 1 in the Fellowship Hall, which is next door to the sanctuary.
Myrl Smith and Tanya Davis will lead the discussions on the theme for the year, “God With Us.”
October’s topic is “God With Us Wherever We Are.”
Future meetings will be the first Monday of every month.
Badin Business
Limb and brush pick-up will be at 8 a.m. Oct. 2.
Members of Better Badin, Inc. meet the second Monday of each month and the next meeting is Oct. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in Town Hall, 36 Falls Road.
Visitors and new members are welcome to join in ongoing discussions and plans for enhancing community life.
Town Council will meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 9 in Town Hall.
Fall Town Clean-up begins Oct. 8 and runs until noon Oct. 11.
The Community Input Survey is still available at
Badin residents are urged to complete the 10-15 questions of the survey to assist Badin Town Council in their goal-setting process.
Better Badin
Better Badin’s next project is a Community Yard Sale from 7 a.m.-noon Oct. 13 in the Alcoa parking lot next to N.C. Highway 740.
Spaces will be marked off for sellers to set up a table and stage all the irresistible stuff that attracts buyers and lovers of secondhand treasures.
While getting ready for Town Clean-up, set aside some things to sell at a little profit. Better Badin will accept cash donations from sellers in order to support future efforts benefitting Badin as a whole.
Come help establish this Badin Yard Sale as an annual event.
The new Badin Concert Series will have a kick-off concert on Nov. 25 at Badin Baptist Church.
“The Glorious Sounds of Christmas” performed by professional musicians on brass and organ will introduce the Christmas season.
Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from Better Badin or at Loafers and Legends Club on Falls Road.
Next up, on Nov. 27 is the Badin Tree Lighting. More information to come.
The second event of the Badin Concert Series is Dec. 11 when the Stanly County Chorale will present a concert of seasonal music by English composer John Rutter at Badin Baptist Church.
They will be joined by the North Stanly High School Chorus and Handbell Chorus, directed by Aza Hudson.
A love offering will be received.
Badin News is by Jo Grey. Contact her at at 704-995-2475.