Albemarle Optimist Club member receives award
Published 10:33 pm Friday, September 21, 2018
- Contributed From left: Ray Cockrell, a representative from Boys and Girls Homes Civic Club, joins award winner Kathy Howard of Albemarle Optimist Club and Ron Jones, trustee of Optimist International NC West District and Boys and Girls Homes.
Kathy Howard, of the Albemarle Optimist Club, was awarded the Walter Armentrout Fellowship from Boys and Girls Homes of Lake Waccamaw, at Optimist International’s North Carolina West District convention held at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina recently.
This fellowship is awarded to an Optimist leader who has demonstrated continued commitment to the youth and young adults of the Boys and Girls Homes.
The Optimist clubs in North Carolina have supported the needs of the youth living in their Optimist Cottage since the mid-1960s.
Past recipients of this honor from the Albemarle Optimist Club include the late Dr. Carl Bowen and Dr. J.C. Boone.
Bowen and Boone served a combined total of more than 60 years on the Board of Trustees at Boys and Girls Homes of N.C. of Lake Waccamaw.
Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc., is dedicated to providing residential and community-based services to meet the needs of vulnerable children by addressing their physical, emotional, social, educational and spiritual development.
Youth are taught to develop and use their strengths in positive ways; they learn conflict resolution, time management and much more. It’s a way of life that builds self-esteem, responsibility and character.
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