Susie Bowers: Palestine United Methodist Men hosts fundraiser
Published 9:56 am Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Sept. 23 worship service at Palestine United Methodist Church was led by Pastor Kevin McCormac. The title of his message was “Wholeheartedly Following God.” Pastor McCormac used scripture from Numbers 13:27-33, 14:10-24 and Joshua 14:6-14.
On Sept. 30, Pastor McCormac delivered his message “Here I Am” and scripture

Susie Bowers writes the Palestine News.
readings came from Isaiah 1:1, 12-20; 5:20; 6:1-13 and John 12:37-50.
Immediately following the service, the Palestine United Methodist Women hosted their Fifth Sunday Luncheon. Thank you to all who prepared the food and all who stayed and enjoyed the meal.
The Oct. 7 worship service was led by Pastor McCormac. The title of his message was “Atonement” and scripture readings were from Hebrews 10:1-14.
At the conclusion of the service, the congregation celebrated Holy Communion.
On Sunday, Palestine UMC will celebrate Senior Citizens Sunday and honor members of the church with stories about their lives.
A covered dish luncheon will follow the morning service in the church fellowship hall. All non-seniors are encouraged to bring a covered dish to share.
The Palestine United Methodist Men’s group will host a breakfast fundraiser on Saturday at 7 a.m.
Breakfast with all the trimmings will be offered for a donation.
All monies raised will go toward missions in the community.
The Palestine United Methodist Women will host a Poor Man’s Supper fundraiser on Oct. 20 beginning at 4 p.m.
A meal of pintos, potatoes, side meat, cabbage, cornbread, beets, onions and dessert will be served.
Donations of $8 per plate will be collected to help further community missions.
Palestine’s annual Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat will be held on Oct. 27 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. No scary costumes are allowed.
Please contact Amanda Barrett for more information or to volunteer to help.
Palestine UMC is currently collecting snacks including easy-open cans, cookies, crackers, etc. to send to those affected by Hurricane Florence.
Please see Robert Calloway for more information.
The Love Thy Neighbor ministry of Palestine UMC can be reached at or call 704-690-4940.
Visit www. palestine for more information about Palestine United Methodist Church.
October Birthdays
1 – Charlie Helms; 2 – Matthew Medlin; 4 – Sylvia Allman; 5 – Robin Mauldin; 6 – Harry Bost; 7 – Wanda Griffin; 9 – Collette Hatley, Ella Bost; 11 – Doris Coleman; 12 – Jane Smith, David Drye, Ricky Cooper; 16 – Lindy Barrett; 17 – Guy Medlin, Jay Warner; 22 – Sherrill Drye; 24 – Lucy Helms, Tracey Almond; 26 – Mildred McCormac; 28 – Linda Little; 29 – Bobby McCabe.
October Anniversaries
2 – Mike and Cathy Whitley; 3; Sherrill and Betty Drye; 7 – Kevin and Michelle McCormac; 8 – Hunter and Amber Johnson; 9 – Jay and Amy Warner; 19 – Charlie and Lucy Helms; 25 – Robert and Shonda Calloway;
Upcoming Events
Sundays – GLOW meets at 5 p.m.
Oct. 13 – Palestine United Methodist Men’s breakfast fundraiser beginning at 7 a.m.
Oct. 14 – Senior Citizens Sunday with covered dish luncheon to follow. Service starts at 11 a.m.
Oct. 17 – Love Thy Neighbor group will meet at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Oct. 18 – IllumiNATIONS group will meet at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall.
Oct. 27 – Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat at 11 a.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Nov. 1 – Palestine United Methodist Men will meet at 7 p.m. at Blue Bay Seafood Restaurant.
Nov. 1 – Palestine United Methodist Women will meet at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall.
Nov. 4 – All Saints Sunday
Nov. 4 – American Red Cross Blood Drive at 1 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. Please see Robin Mauldin for more information.
Community Prayer Concerns
Nancy and Lanny Cranford; Scott and Linda Keeter;; Will and Alexis Lisenby; Olivia Haywood; Holly Harrison and baby; Debbie Davis; Doris Coleman; Maggie Hinson and family; Rodney Armstrong; Tom Luther; Harold and Nellie Thompson; Jean Thompson; Ed Harris; Betty Crisco; Wendell Drye; Sherrill and Betty Drye; Julie Crisco; Johnsie Herlocker; Robi Cagle’s brother Mike; Jody Johnson; Josh and Alison Mauldin; Mitch Russell; Blanche and Larry Barbee; Dianne Conner’s friends Mike and Teresa; Kevin Helms; Helen Adams; Johnny Hall; Jef Ferris; the Haigler family; Millie McCormac; Sue Ramsey; Joyce Hathcock’s father; Robin Martin; Hilda Thompson’s daughter-in-law; Shirley Drye’s daughter; Jimmy Cook; Ricky and Etta Hopkins; Darrell and Jane Creed; Donnie Drye; Audrey Lowder; Billy Cagle; the Flack family; Lucy Helms and family; Felicia Medlin; Mac Drye; Donovan; Taylor Bayner; Kim Bara and family; Nellie and Leroy Tucker; Linda Fraley and family; Robin Helms; Kate Drye; Jed Drye, Richard, Layla and River; Lori Robbins; Jan Furr; Brandon Braley; Jewelia Hutton; Robert Thompson; Dennis Baynard; Joey Drye; Mildred Efird; Joyce Hathcock’s mother Lorene; Doris Beverly; family of Grace Hatley; family of Kevin Kubacki; family of Robert Bruce; family of Jonathan Morris; family of Rodney Morgan; family of Jace Thompson; Nick Rochester; Don Heafner.