Children receive 100 new bikes, helmets
Published 8:34 am Friday, December 21, 2018
- Bikes will soon await many children this Christmas.
Three radiologists and dozens of hospital employees made holiday dreams come true by providing brand new bikes and helmets to 100 local children in conjunction with the annual “Helping Hands” campaign.
This is the 15th year that the radiologists at Atrium Health CHS Stanly have partnered with hospital teammates to provide bikes and helmets for children to brighten their smiles on Christmas. The effort is coordinated by the Stanly Health Foundation.
Through the years, this health care team has made it possible for Helping Hands to put 1,911 bikes in the hands of children whose Christmas needed a little brightening. Kids have enjoyed waking up to new wheels ranging in size from toddler bikes with training wheels, to full-sized bikes with many gears on Christmas mornings.
“These children are from families that are experiencing financial hardships,” explained Jane Boone, executive director for Stanly Health Foundation. “A bike means so much to children — it provides a means for playing outdoors and it means freedom and fun. It’s the classic gift that every child should experience at least once at Christmas. We are deeply grateful to Drs. Peter Gusmer, Jack Green and Wade Wilkerson for spear-heading this wonderful event at the hospital each year.”