SCC instructors recognized for NROC project
Published 4:32 pm Thursday, April 18, 2019
- At a recent NROC member meeting in California, the NCCCS was presented with The NROC Project’s Ambassador Team Award. Pictured, from left, are: Susan Huneycutt and Londa Pickett, from Davidson County Community College; Brigette Myers, SCC; Carole Phipps, Sampson Community College; Melissa Reid, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College; Taffy Graham, SCC; Susan Barbitta, NCCCS; Kelly Evans, Brunswick Community College; and Jenny Billings, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. (Contributed)
At a Network, Resources, Open, College and Career (NROC) member meeting in Monterey, Calif., the North Carolina Community College System was presented with The NROC Project’s Ambassador Team Award for developmental education redesign, including multiple measures for placement and high school outreach strategies.
As a member of NROC, Stanly Community College is using the provided resources to redesign developmental education as one of the RISE (Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence) pilot community colleges in the NCCCS.
RISE poses the opportunity to offer real-time support for students in entry college-level courses and provide a learning tool for preparing students for English and math courses.
At the college, Brigette Myers, mathematics department head, Taffy Graham, developmental English coordinator, and Patrick Holyfield, dean of enrollment management, are leading the project.
The NROC Project collaborates with educators to imagine, develop, test and refine technologies that improve student success.
— Stanly Community College