Village of Misenheimer’s property tax rate to remain at 22 cents
Published 1:39 pm Friday, May 17, 2019
The Village of Misenheimer’s 2019-2020 proposed annual budget recommends the property tax rate remain at 22 cents per $100 valuation.
The total proposed budget expenditure is $527,300.
This includes $374,165 for police and public safety, $113,325 for general government and $22,430 for environmental protections. More than $8,000 is for the Carolina Thread Trail as part of a Capital Grant Project.
The revenue also totals $527,300 and includes $160,000 in sales tax, $265,000 in police contract fees, $29,000 in property tax and $25,000 in utility franchise/telecommunications tax.
Pfeiffer University is renewing the contract for police services for fiscal year 2019-2020 at $265,000.
Pay increases are budgeted for fiscal year 2019-2020 with the hope of bringing police salaries in alignment with peer communities.
The Village is also eligible for N.C. Department of Transportation Powell Bill funds because the .15-mile of Colony Apartment Road was acquired by the Village from NCDOT’s maintenance responsibilities during fiscal year 2011-2012.
A public hearing will be at 6 p.m. June 10 to review and discuss the proposed budget. Following the public hearing, the council will convene its monthly meeting to address the approval of the budget.