School board, commissioners discuss facility needs, future of Ridgecrest Elementary
Published 10:26 am Monday, May 27, 2019
At a joint meeting Wednesday night between the Board of Education and the county commissioners, a facilities report was presented that showed the total facility needs for SCS would cost between $34 million to $40 million over the next 10 years, according to Todd Bowers, maintenance director for the school system.
Some of the common needs across the schools include repairing foam roofs, updating HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, removing asbestos, renovating bathrooms, replacing dated furniture, converting lighting to LED, replacing boilers and upgrading intercom systems.
If SCS decides to have roof repairs, the cost would be roughly $34.5 million, Bowers said, while if it decides to replace the roofs, the cost would increase to about $40 million.
Bowers emphasized that the total cost for the facility needs “are just estimates” and as the years go on, the cost of these projects will likely go up.
Bowers explained in detail the needs for each school in the county.
The needs for the school are:
• Albemarle Middle: replace all furniture, replace 250-ton chiller, clean/inspect unit ventilators, MDF (main data facility) needs separate A/C unit, replace T8 lighting with LED, replace ethernet with receptacles;
• Albemarle High: renovate auditorium, repave parking lot, re-coat track/new rubber, remove asbestos, renovate building interior, renovate bathrooms, replace fence at cafeteria, new ethernet wiring and panels for old building, career and technical education (CTE) labs need new Ethernet wiring and panels, replace all student furniture, replace air handler unit in auditorium, replace unit ventilators, upgrade room temperature control, replace air handler in locker room, MDF needs separate A/C unit, replace and re-coat roofs, upgrade intercom system, electrical panel upgrades, convert T8 lighting (ones with a ballast) to LED;
• Aquadale Elementary: replace sewer pipe under media center, replace boiler in old building, replace chiller in old building, replace boiler in gym, gym needs new AC and replace windows, inspect and clean unit ventilators, MDF needs separate A/C unit, LED lighting upgrade, upgrade intercom system, replace and re-coat roofs;
• Badin Elementary: remove asbestos floor tile, renovate bathrooms, new data room for old building, replace all student furniture, inspect 60 unit ventilators, replace gym windows and gym new air conditioner, inspect dual temperature piping, upgrade intercom system, replace old electrical panels, replace T8 lighting with LED, replace and re-coat roof;
• Central Elementary: chiller replacement, water system isn’t balanced, main data facility needs new A/C units, repair soft spots in third level flooring, convert lighting to LED;
• East Albemarle Elementary: replace all student furniture, replace DX (direct expansion air conditioning) units; replace either air handlers or evaporators; repair foam roof and replace another roof, convert lighting to LED, upgrade intercom system;
• Endy Elementary: replace carpet in school, get air handlers, replace VAV Terminal (air) units, get A/C in gym, replace DX units for new building, replace all student furniture, replace 75-ton DX unit for old building, MDF needs separate A/C unit, replace T8 bulbs with LED, upgrade intercom system;
• Locust Elementary: renovate 29 building, renovate half of bathrooms, replace chiller for 29 building, clean/inspect unit ventilators, replace T8 lighting with LED, replace intercom system, repair and replace foam roof, replace roof with 60 mil TPO (membrane roof);
• Millingport Elementary: remove carpet throughout building, look into cost to removing four mobile units, replace all student furniture, replace steam boiler and chiller, convert to two-piper water system, replace six rooftop units, new gym air conditioner, re-coat and replace foam roof, upgrade intercom system;
• North Stanly Middle: replace all student furniture, replace 215-ton chiller, replace 100-ton chiller, clean unit ventilators, replace lighting with LED, replace Ethernet wall receptacles, coat and paint roof;
• North Stanly High: classroom and cafeteria addition, re-coat track/new rubber, replace visitor’s bleachers, renovate building interior, renovate bathrooms, CTE labs need Ethernet wiring and panels, replace all student furniture, HVAC systems Bard units, roof top units, split system, install HVAC control system, MDF needs separate A/C unit, upgrade intercom system, replace and repair roofs;
• Norwood Elementary: replace windows, 10 rooms need carpet/asbestos tile floor removed, remodel bathrooms in old building, replace all student furniture, replace DX unit for new building, replace evaporative coil or air handler for new building, replace chiller for old building, replace boiler for old building, inspect/clean unit ventilators, dual temperature piping inspection, re-coat and replace foam roof, upgrade intercom system;
• Oakboro Choice STEM: renovate old building, install permanent walls and upgrade HVAC system, pave turn around in back of school, pave graveled road connecting front drive to rear, remove carpet in media center and main office, add covered walkway for dismissal loading area in back, MDF needs to move out of classroom, replace all student furniture, replace chiller, replace boiler for new and old building, replace DX unit, replace air handler or evap coil, upgrade HVAC controls for old building, inspect/clean unit ventilators, inspect dual temperature pipe lines, new AC for gym, replace and re-coat roofs, upgrade intercom system, convert to LED lighting;
• Richfield Elementary: replace carpet in main building, new road for car rider line, replace all student furniture, replace main building boiler, replace main building DX unit, replace evaporator boiler or air handler in main building, install AC in gym/replace gym windows, replace chiller for old building, separate A/C unit for MDF room, re-coat, repair and replace roofs, upgrade intercom system, replace T8 lighting to LED;
• South Stanly Middle School: replace all student furniture, inspect and clean unit ventilators, replace 250-ton chiller, MDF needs separate A/C unit, LED lighting upgrade, replace Ethernet wall receptacles;
• South Stanly High School: overhaul tennis court, replace visitor’s bleachers, resurface track, renovate building interior and bathrooms, CTE lab needs Ethernet wiring and panels, replace all student furniture, upgrade HVAC system, wall mounted AC units, MDF needs separate A/C unit, LED lighting upgrade, upgrade intercom system, re-coat foam roof, replace foam roof;
• Stanfield Elementary: replace all student furniture, replace all rooftop units, replace boiler for ACC building, new AC for gym, install HVAC controls for main building, replace T8 lighting with LED, upgrade intercom system, coat TPO roof, re-coat foam roof;
• Stanly Academy: replace 95 windows, repair brick fascia, renovate bathrooms, replace all student furniture, replace 100-ton chiller, replace boiler, upgrade individual room control, replace unit ventilators, replace gym gas packs and DX unit, upgrade intercom system, upgrade electrical panels, replace T8 lighting with LED, replace and re-coat roofs;
• West Stanly Middle School: addition to remove mobiles, install fence if no additions, replace all student furniture, replace chiller, clean/inspect unit ventilators, MDF needs separate A/C unit, coat EPDM roof, convert to LED lighting, replace Ethernet wall receptacles; and
• West Stanly High School: Addition to replace mobiles, addition to expand cafeteria, renovate bathrooms, remove asbestos throughout school, rebuild tennis court, Ethernet wiring for main building, CTE labs need Ethernet wiring, replace all student furniture, renovate building interior, replace boilers, improve HVAC controls, replace heating unit ventilators, wall-mounted A/C units, data closet needs separate A/C unit, replace and re-coat roofs, upgrade intercom system.
After the presentation, when the commissioners brought up Ridgecrest Elementary, Superintendent Dr. Jeff James explained that SCS is trying to form a partnership with Stanly Community College to re-open Ridgecrest as a high school trade school.
James has already had two grant providers call him about the possibility of opening up a trade school.
“That would put more of our kids that would like to go into trades in that school,” James said.
SCS would need about $600,000 for the school to be operational.
The joint venture would include a three-year rolling memorandum of agreement, James said. This would help the two entities to build the program.
The commissioners also inquired about the constant odor at Norwood Elementary School.
Bowers assured them that, though the problem is not 100 percent resolved, it has gotten better.
Bowers and his staff has regularly searched for leaks in the sewer lines and have brought in engineers from Pinnacle Structural Engineers for their opinions.
Bowers said nobody knows from where the odor is specifically originating.