Richfield Civitan Club honors teacher cadets
Published 7:38 am Tuesday, June 18, 2019
- Richfield Civitan Club recently honored teacher cadets for their volunteer hours. From left: cadet Madison Smith, Civitan President Butch Brooks, Superintendent Dr. Jeff James, cadet Macy Goodwin and Principal Julienne Fallen. (Contributed)
The Richfield Civitan Club had its annual teacher appreciation banquet at Bethany United Methodist Church fellowship hall.
Guests of honor were faculty and staff of Richfield Elementary School. The guest speaker for the event was Dr. Jeff James, superintendent of Stanly County Schools.
A meal was provided by the ladies of Bethany UMC.
James delivered a report on the progress that is being made along the lines of student safety. It was noted that although the quarter-cent sales tax money will arrive later, SCS officials have initiated projects to improve safety by shifting funding projects based on the priory of safety first and general maintenance later. An example given was paving parking lots later and installing safety cameras now.
James reported on the Teacher Cadet Program that is in place in Stanly County. The program given high school students the opportunity to explore the possibility of a career in teaching.
James reported plans are being made to expand the cadet program.
Richfield Civitan Club President Butch Brooks, assisted by James, and Julienne Fallen, Richfield principal, presented Richfield School’s Teacher Cadets Madison Smith and Macy Goodwin with Civitan Service Awards in appreciation for volunteer hours. Mallory Russell also served as a cadet, but was unable to attend the banquet.