C&C: Locust News – Scouts move to new home base
Published 11:52 am Tuesday, March 3, 2020
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By Sarah White
Scout Troop 202
Cub Scout Pack 202 and Boy Scout Troop 202 will move to Locust Presbyterian Church beginning March 10 after meeting for many years at Mission Baptist.

Sarah White
The Cub Pack is for boys from kindergarten to fifth grade. It will meet upstairs in the fellowship hall, while the Boy Scouts (age 11-18) will use a newly-decorated Scout Room in the basement of the fellowship hall. Meetings for both units begin at 7 p.m. Tuesdays.
Currently there are around 35 boys in the Cub Pack and around 35 boys in the Scout Troop. Both units are busy with activities, including camping, fishing, Pinewood Derby, climbing, hiking, skiing, canoeing and learning adventures.
The Troop goes West every other summer to backpack and explore a national park. In 2018, 40 Scouts and leaders spent a week in California, including time in Yosemite National Park, a visit to the Pacific Ocean and a boat tour of San Francisco. The 2020 trip will have nearly 50 Scouts and leaders heading to Utah and Nevada to explore Bryce Canyon, Zion and Grand Canyon national parks.
Matt Sheffield is Cubmaster and Richard Sides is Scoutmaster.
Troop 1061
Locust Presbyterian also hosts Girl Scout Troop 1061 of the Hornets Next Council. Troop 1061 has nearly 40 members and meets at 6:15 p.m. each Monday. Girls from kindergarten up to 18 are welcome to join. This Troop is always on the go with activities to gain experience in career and hobby opportunities. Contina Salyer is Scoutmaster.
First Baptist Church of Locust will have revival services on Mondays beginning March 9 with Dr Mike Whitson, March 16 the Rev. Lee Pigg, March 23 the Rev. Chris Justice and March 30 the Rev. Stoney Benefield. All services begin at 7 p.m., with special music each evening. Nursery provided for infants to 3 years old. First Baptist is at 320 S. Central Ave., Locust.
Annual Bulk Goods Collection
The City of Locust and Waste Management will conduct the Annual Bulk Goods Collection on March 21. Items must be at the curb by 8 a.m. for pickup.
Items that will be picked up include household furniture, large toys such as kiddie pools, playhouses, disassembled swing sets and riding toys, mattresses/box springs (must be wrapped in plastic), bed frames and rugs.
Items that will not be collected include construction and demolition debris, hazardous or liquid waste, tires, computers/televisions/electronics of any kind, major appliances, recycling, yard waste, household waste, trash and medical waste.
Contact Tim Flieger at City Hall at tflieger@locustnc.com for further details.
West Stanly Senior Center
The Senior Center has some new events coming up. Monday will be Census Talk at 12 p.m. This will be a soup luncheon. Cost is $2. Please register for the lunch.
Book club meets on March 25. The book will be “Call Your Daughter Home” by Deb Spara.
Luck Leprechaun 5K will be at 3 p.m. March 15. This race will benefit the WSSC. Register online at RUNSIGNUP.com.
Smartphone classes will be Monday and Wednesday March 9 to April 1, with Androids at 1 p.m. and Apples at 2:15 p.m.
Call the WSSC center at 980-354-8056 for more info on these activates and to get info on their daily schedule of activities.
Friday nights, WSSC hosts bingo at 6 p.m.
Happy Birthday to Gary Eudy March 3, Sue McAlexander, Leon Huneycutt and Bud Kluttz March 5, Brian Smith March 6, Elaine Spencer, Haley Bates and Nicole Bates March 7, Dennis Joyner March 9, Judy Godwin and Brandon Edge March 11, Glenn Hinson and Willie Curlee March 12, Brent Almond and Matthew Walker March 14, Tommy Morrow, Floyd Gene Almond and Glenda Love March 15 and Linda Almond and Dawn Furr March 16.