SNAP BACK IN TIME: July 1980, July 1965, July 1950
Published 5:46 pm Monday, July 27, 2020
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Editor’s Note: During 2020, The SNAP will celebrate its 140th year of covering Stanly County people. In honor of 140 years, The SNAP will offer a glimpse at events of 40 years ago and beyond.
Friday, July 25, 1980
Population Goes Up
The preliminary 1980 census count gave Stanly County a population of 47,164, a gain of 4,342 since 1970.
The City of Albemarle, exclusive of an annexation area, had 11,210. The 1970 figure was 11,126.
Albemarle City Manager Jack Neel predicted that when final figures are in and the annexed areas added to the total the city will be around 15,000 population.
The county recorded a percentage gain of 10.1 percent in the preliminary figures. The county had an average of 3.08 persons per household in 1970 compared to 2.74 person in the 1980 figures.
Other populations in the 1980 preliminary figures were 1,779 for Norwood, compared to 1,896 in 1970; 1,503 for Locust; 624 for Oakboro, up from 563 in 1970; 456 for Stanfield, up one from 1970; 416 for New London, up from 285 in 1970; and 361 in Richfield, up from 306 in 1970.
Friday, July 23, 1965
Freckle Champs
Judges had decided Jimmy Huneycutt and Susan Eudy had the most freckles of any youngsters entered in the Albemarle Recreation Department’s freckle contest.
Jimmy, 12, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Huneycutt of Albemarle. Susan, 8, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Love of Albemarle.
Brothers David Almond and Gary Almond won second and third places in the boy’s division. Runners-up in the girls’ division were Carol Peck and Peggy Youngblood.
The way had been paved in Washington for quick Congressional approval of the Medicare proposal and amendments to the Social Security laws. The conference committee of the House and Senate had agreed on the form of the bill to be presented for final okay.
This meant that starting July 1, 1966, the health care for the aged provided under the bill would become available for all persons over 65 years of age.
Apparently reflecting the anticipated speed-up of the draft, the Stanly County Selective Service Board had been asked to send 74 young men for pre-induction examinations on Aug. 16.
Mrs. P.H. Carlton had been named district chairwoman of the Home Life Department of the North Carolina Federated Woman’s Clubs at the District Summer Institute held in Matthews.
Charles DeBerry, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.K. DeBerry of New London, and a rising junior at North Stanly High School, had returned from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, where he had joined 140 other boy and girl cadets in a week-long summer encampment sponsored by the North Carolina Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.
Tuesday, July 29, 1980
The new president of the North Carolina 4-H Club organization was 19-year-old Oakboro member Bill Larsen.
The Stanly youth, a sophomore in pre-medical studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was elected on the final day of the state 4-H Congress in Raleigh.
The new Belk store was to open July 30 at the Eastgate Shopping Center in East Albemarle.
Participants in the opening ceremonies were to include John M. Belk, president of Belk Stores; Sen. James B. Garrison, developer of the Albemarle Mall; Mayor Carlton “Buddy” Holt; and others.
Tuesday, July 27, 1965
Electrical System
What was described as “the worst thunderstorm in several years” had struck the Albemarle area Sunday afternoon.
The main target of the storm was the city’s electrical system. All the city’s lines into rural areas had been knocked out at some time. In addition, numerous areas within the city also suffered power failures.
City Manager Wilson D. Coleman said that 100 transformers had been put out of service, although only three were burned out. The fuses and reclosers on the others had been knocked out by the lightning.
Six Stanly youths were tired by happy and brimming with many first-time experiences and memories when they returned from a week of special camping activities on Roanoke Island. They were Ann Smith, Linda Ann Smith, Lois Herrin, Alvin Speights, Roger Williams and Johnny Speights.
The Stanly County Young Men and Women’s Club had spearheaded and coordinated the project.
Airman Third Class Ted L. Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey L. Morton of Oakboro, had completed U.S. Air Force basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas.
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Bob Scott had accepted an invitation to address the Albemarle Unit of the North Carolina Education Association on Dec. 7.
July 28, 1950
The county had been given a quota of 38 men to be sent to Charlotte for pre-induction examinations in the first call for draftees since trouble had erupted in Korea.
The American forces were being pushed back, but Gen. Douglas MacArthur stated they would be able to maintain their position since additional forces had been sent to the area.