DOUG CREAMER COLUMN: Music to my ears
Published 10:05 am Tuesday, January 11, 2022
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Last night my wife and I watched a television program we like, and when it was over, I channel surfed to see if there was anything else worth watching. When James Taylor popped up on the screen, I stopped. What we got was a real treat. It was a concert with James Taylor and Carole King, music that we both grew up with.

Doug Creamer writes a religion column for the SNAP.
I struggled a little to stay focused on the concert because the weather was interesting. There was an approaching storm that was going to bring severe weather overnight, and possibly snow in the morning. I kept running between the computer and the TV, trying to keep up with both exciting things. The severe weather thankfully stayed south and east of us and the snow arrived in the morning, providing a beautiful show for us snow lovers. I was a happy camper, but I didn’t get anything done this morning while it was snowing.
If you missed the concert, I imagine they will run it again. It was outstanding. Neither one was vying for the applause, but instead they honored each other. My wife and I sang along with many of the songs, and because we were watching on TV, we enjoyed front row seats.
We didn’t need the words to the songs, we knew them. The songs you enjoyed in your youth never leave you. I was reflecting on the songs as we listened; they told stories, something that I think is missing in today’s music. I loved watching them because they were having so much fun on stage. I could tell by watching them that they were enjoying their own music, each other and performing.
Music is so important to us. It has the power to touch us, move us and change us. Some tunes can get stuck in our heads and we can’t seem to get them out. Sometimes I lay in bed at night or in the morning and songs will run through my mind. I find myself meditating, thinking about the words in a song.
Music plays an important part of worship services. When I was a kid my church had an unbelievable organ that could bring tears to your eyes. We had a choir filled with people who could really sing beautifully. In later years, we added other musical instruments that provided a full and beautiful sound. I enjoyed the music in my childhood church.
I really enjoy the music at my church now. We have a talented group of musicians and singers. What I enjoy most is that the leader doesn’t allow all the focus to fall on her. She highlights each person in different ways and allows them to shine. It takes all of them to create the sound, but they work to honor each other, thus creating beautiful music.
One of the keys that both the leader and the pastor strive to emphasize is that they are not there to perform for the congregation. They are there for an audience of one. They are there to serve the King of Kings through their musical talents and abilities. When they can keep their hearts and minds focused in this way, they create beautiful music.
I love to worship the Lord. I lack musical talent and ability, but I recognize it in others. I know it takes lots of time to practice their musical instruments and their voices, and I deeply appreciate it. When they can focus their hearts and minds on the King, they will lead the congregation into His presence every time. I will follow, making my joyful noise unto the Lord.
Our worship of the King should not be limited to Sunday morning services. We should listen to music sometime during the week that blesses and honors God our Father. We should sing to the Lord at other times, like in the shower, while working in the garden, washing the dishes, driving our cars and while lying quietly in our bed. Doing that can lift your spirit in ways you cannot imagine. It can push back the dark clouds and welcome the light of His presence. God is attracted to us when we worship Him.
I want to encourage you to worship the Lord, both in church and in your personal life. Music has the power to lift and heal the soul. It has a way of changing your stinking thinking into something beautiful. Let the music of your heart flow unto Him. Lift Him up, honor Him and worship Him.
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or