Stanly County Schools makes administrative changes

Published 4:07 pm Tuesday, June 27, 2023

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Stanly County Schools has announced five administrative changes.
Mandy Efird is the new assistant principal at West Stanly Middle School. She previously served in this role at WSMS.
Brittany Mathews was named an assistant principal for Central Elementary School. She served at Albemarle Middle School while completing her administrative internship and has taught within SCS since 2019.
Kate Blazer has been named principal at Norwood Elementary School. She comes to Norwood with 13 years in education, with leadership experience as a dean of students and most currently as the assistant principal at JH Gunn Elementary with Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.
Beverly Pennington is the new principal at Albemarle High School. She has served 15 years within SCS, with her most recent role being the executive director of student services.
Lauren Raper has been named director of secondary education. Her qualifications include a bachelor of arts degree in history and Spanish from North Carolina State University, a master’s degree in history and school administration from Western Carolina University, and her EdS from Appalachian State University. She will be returning to North Carolina from her most recent position as principal of Independence Elementary in Virginia.
Dr. Sandra Carter is returning to SCS as assistant superintendent of human resources. She began her career in education with SCS as a teacher at Aquadale Elementary in 1996 and continued to serve for 20 years while growing her leadership experience within four administrative roles until 2016.