PEEKING INTO THE PAST: Central Methodist Church
Published 2:28 pm Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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Have you ever noticed that the spires at Central Methodist on North Second Street in Albemarle do not match? During early 1960, church members began having discussions about the need to repair the south tower at the front of the church building. A leak was doing damage to the sanctuary and damaged timbers at the top of the tower were found in need of repair. The church board realized the spire would have to be removed for proper repairs to be made. They considered whether to replace the spire or not due to the higher costs involved in replacing it. In early August, a crane was erected beside the church in order to remove the spire. Repairs and renovations were then done at the top of the tower and in mid-October, a new spire was hoisted into place. {Lewis Bramlett – Stanly County Historical Society}