With 6-1 vote, Stanly commissioners pass resolution supporting N.C. 740 DOT project

The Stanly County Board of Commissioners voted 6-1 to sign a resolution supporting a state Department of Transportation project on N.C. Highway 740 just North of Badin.

Commissioner Bill Lawhon voted against the resolution, which was for two new T-intersections between Blackhawk and Wright roads and N.C. 740.

Theo Ghitea, a planning engineer from DOT Division 10, presented the resolution to the board at the meeting.

Ghitea said the intersection of Blackhawk Road and Wright Road and N.C. 740 had “poor intersection geometry.”

“The intersection angles do not line up well,” Ghitea said. “This present potential hazards.”

He also said DOT has received concerns about traffic coming off  N.C. 740 onto Wright Road at a high rate of speed.

The realignment, he said, would remove some paving and build two T-intersections with N.C. 740 and each road.

Ghitea said the cost of the project would be $50,000 from the High Impact/Low Cost funds. No Stanly funds would be used.

Lawhon asked Ghitea if DOT met with surrounding landowners. He said they did not because no right-of-way land was going to be purchased to complete it.

Lawhon said he believed landowners near proposed DOT projects should be met with before seeking commissioners’ approval on a resolution.

Vice Chairman Mike Barbee asked if people on Blackhawk Road would be able to turn right on N.C. 740. Ghitea said they would.

Chairman Scott Efird asked if people turning right on Wright Road “would have some quick merging” and “have a lot of activity”? Ghitea said the traffic volumes “down 740 would not create that many potential conflicts. It would be like anywhere else (and) help the sight difference.”
