LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The protection of children

Politics is a messy business and often under the best of circumstances the truth gets twisted to imply things that are not really true.
One such case came up with regard to the voting record of City Councilman Benton Dry concerning the reclassification of “drag shows” as a group into the same category as sex shows and topless bars. This was a proposal brought forward by a group of pastors in the area.
It is worth noting that not all drag shows are obscene. The simple act of dressing in the clothing of the opposite gender in a performance is not necessarily obscene. The courts have made it very clear that such activities cannot be restricted unless they are clearly obscene.
Councilman Dry voted against this proposal because it could not be legally enforced and would open the city up to lawsuits.
This issue is particularly sensitive when children are involved, and the pastors felt that this ordinance was necessary to protect children. Some performances would not be considered obscene for adults but would be for children. This is somewhat like the rating of movies as GP versus R or X.
This proposal would not be necessary to protect children as it is already covered by state law in Senate Bill 579 which was passed last year and was signed by the governor. If a performance would be considered obscene for minors and children were allowed to view it, that would be illegal under state law.
The Albemarle City Council passed a resolution last year supporting the state law.
In summary, what Councilman Dry did was to vote against an unenforceable and unnecessary proposal, and to vote for the support of the recently enacted state law.
James (Jim) Miller Beard
