Cooper’s students present spring recital
Piano, voice and organ students of Anne F. Cooper presented their spring recital May 15 at Central United Methodist Church in Albemarle.
Cooper opened the recital with a convocation.
Each student played several selections.

From left, front row: Shelby Stallings, Rex Crump, Rhyan Russell, Isabel McIntyre; back row: teacher Anne F. Cooper, Kaylynn McLendon, Kate Foutz, Brooke Allen, Jordan Korzelius. (Contributed)
Duets were performed by Isabel McIntyre, Rhyan Russell, Shelby Stallings, Rex Crump, Kaylynn McLendon, Kate Foutz, Brooke Allen and Jordan Korzelius.
Brooke Allen sang “I Whistle a Happy Tune” by Richard Rodgers, accompanied by Cooper.
Jordan Korzelius was the guest performer. He is pursuing Music Education at Appalachian State University. He also performed Concerto del Signor Meck by Johann Gottfried Walther on the Schantz pipe organ.
The recital concluded with “Thine Is the Glory” duet by Don Phillips, with Cooper and Korzelius.