Even though I have not lived in Stanly County for many years, my parents, Pat and Chris Bramlett, still live in Albemarle. My family history, on my mother’s side, is deeply ingrained in Stanly County’s history. Through my grandmother, Ruth (Peeler) Starnes, we can trace the Peelers in Misenheimer back to at least the mid-1800s. My grandfather was Francis Starnes. Through his mother, Letha Parker, we can trace back to the late 1700s in the New London area. Our family is fortunate to have photographs of several generations of the women who make up our family tree. First is my mother, Patricia (Starnes) Bramlett, followed by her mother Ruth Peeler Starnes. The next two are Ruth’s mother, Daisy (Miller) Peeler, along with her mother, Rosa Alice (Parker) Miller. The final three are Letha (Parker) Starnes, the mother of Francis, along with her mother, Hettie Belle (Harris) Parker, and her grandmother, Lucinda (Stokes) Parker. To all of the women in my family tree, and to all of the mothers of Stanly County, I wish you a “Happy Mother’s Day!” {Lewis Bramlett – Stanly County Historical Society}