Stanly Arts Guild offers Hartley Scholarship

Stanly Arts Guild has announced an art scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded in June. The winner will be announced at the June 3 meeting of the guild.

The Patricia Blake Hartley Scholarship was established as a memorial to Hartley, a long-time member and supporter of the Guild.

The scholarship is awarded annually to a college student from Stanly County (preferably a junior or senior) who is enrolled as a visual arts major. The guild is especially grateful to the Hartley family for its continued support and sponsorship of this award.

A check for $1,000, to be applied to tuition costs, will be paid directly to the college in attendance of the scholarship winner.

Applications may be found online at or picked up at the guild store, 330 N. Second St., Albemarle. Application requirements must be completed and returned to the guild store by 2 p. m. May 21 to be considered for this award.

Last year’s winner is Eli Williams, son of John and Nicole Williams of Albemarle, a sophomore and honor student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

For further info, call or text Carole at 704 438-4644.
