LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Our fur companions need our support

I would like to make our citizens aware of a significant community outcry, as our Stanly County Animal Protective Services (SCAPS) has been denied adequate staffing resulting in the resignation of it’s director, a decrease in availability to the public and a backwards leap from basic care, rehabilitation and high release rates to kill shelter status (max hold 30 days).

Our Sheriff’s Office has done a great job supporting SCAPS.

However, our county commissioners have not, as evidenced by not assisting with an adequate number of staff.

I am encouraging community members to attend the next county commissioners meeting, at 6 p.m. Tuesday. It will be open to the public.

I will be speaking to the board, and there will be community members present to make their support known. Our community fur companions need our voices.

Kathryn Hinkle-Russell
