HARRISTOWN NEWS: Church burns mortgage

As we enter into the Christmas season, let’s not forget to do our part to help slow the spread of Covid-19. We want the holiday season to be one of joy and merriment, not of sickness and loss. Remember to refrain from large gatherings. Wear your mask per governor mandate. Wash your hands often. Observe social distancing. It is up to all of us to do our part.

Church News

Congratulations to McDonald Chapel on the burning of its mortgage. The community celebrates along with you.

The teacher for St. Luke’s Bible study for December will be Elder Michael McKinnis. You may join in each Wednesday at 7 p.m. The conference number is 305-848-8888, code 333#. All are welcome to participate.

For December St. Luke will continue to have service on Facebook Live and via conference call each Sunday at 11 a.m. The conference number is the same as for Bible study.


Niriah Medley, Kent Christian, Melody Davis, Cora Medley, Dora Watkins, Donald Floyd, Seccora Medley.


The community has suffered another loss. We extend heartfelt condolences to the family of Claude Kirk. He will truly be missed by the community.

Prayer Requests

Donald Floyd, Joanne Kilgore, Henry Harris, Dora Watkins, John Westbrook, Eula Lewis, Marguerite Pankey, WaLillian Tyson, Mary Williams, Libby Hall, Dolly Hinson.

Johnnie Harris writes the Harristown News. It is printed every other week. To submit items, call 704-422-3570, mail to P.O. Box 151, Badin, NC 28009, or bring to 40199 Wildcat Trail and place in the dropbox.
