Running events set to help people get moving during holidays
Three local running events are planned to help burn calories during the upcoming holiday season.
The Turkey Trot 4.2 Mile Run-Walk is back for its 19th year. Come out for this annual Stanly County tradition, where families and friends meet to start the day off in the calorie deficit column.
Turkey Trot apparel will be available to purchase online or on the day of the event. Monetary donations will be accepted for Stanly Community Christian Ministry. This holiday tradition starts at 7 a.m. Thursday at the YMCA park at 427 N. First St., Albemarle.
Race day registration begins at 6 a.m. This is a free run for the community.
The Locust #Elfie 5K Run/Walk is a fast and flat-ish course through the Locust Town Center and the surrounding neighborhood.
Prizes will be awarded for the best dress Elfie.
Excite Bikes will lead the way during the race.
Proceeds from the event will help benefit TRIBE, an after-school program for teenagers in Stanly County.
The Santa Streaker 2-Mile-A-Day Challenge is also scheduled.
Run, walk or run/walk at least two miles a day each day Nov. 21 to Dec. 31. At the end of each week, there will be a drawing for prizes for people continuing the streak. More prizes will be based on the number of participants.
For more information on registering for these three runs, visit or call Vac & Dash at 704-983-3274.