ENDY NEWS: Pastor talks about ‘planting seeds’
Published 5:44 pm Thursday, June 21, 2018
Saint Martin’s Lutheran Church
Pastor Guy used the Gospel of Mark, chapter 4, for his messages on Sunday. He spoke about “Planting Seeds.”
Upcoming Events

Martha Dennis writes the ENDY News for the SNAP.
Friday-Saturday: Vacation Bible school classes will be for children up through sixth grade.
Friday: 11 a.m.-7 p.m.: Pork barbecue benefit for Aly Speight, a 3-year-old with hearing loss in both ears. Dine in, drive through or delivery for five or more plates at the Millingport VFD.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Blackberry Festival/barbecue benefit for Tate Whitley, a 4-year-old Leukemia patient, at Almond Farms, 20560 Biles Road, Albemarle.
There is a playground area, picnic table and handicap accessible restrooms.
Prayer Requests
Danny McIlwaine, Aly Speight, Bella Hatley, Betty Lambert, Tate Whitley, Carter Blake.
23: Jen McIlwaine; 24: Jacob Eudy.
18: Bobbie and Catherine Barringer; 26: Rick and Debbie McLester, Brandon and Mindy Pope; 28: Mike and Jenell Fischer.
Martha Dennis writes the Endy News which runs the first and third Thursday of each month. News needs to be in no later than Monday night. Email contributions to smc71205@hotmail.com by the prior Monday.