Church Activities Beginning Aug. 11
Published 11:17 am Thursday, August 9, 2018
First United Methodist Church, 208 Pee Dee Ave., Norwood, will have a Back to School Bash in the church parking lot and fellowship hall from 9 a.m.-noon. There will be booths with many activities for children and parents from kindergarten to 8th grades.
All children will be given a free book bag with school supplies, there will be fire safety and study tips, free toothbrushes, free haircuts, yoga, free eye exams by the Lions Club, Teddy Bear Clinic, healthy meal recipes and samples, free snow cones and popcorn, Butterfly House, Pee Dee Electric safety, health info and more.
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From 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. there will be a community yard sale in the fellowship hall at Ridgecrest Presbyterian Church.
There will be plants among other things for sale. Anyone who would like to donate items for this event is asked to bring them to the church fellowship hall and leave them at the door. Items will be brought in daily.
This community yard sale is to benefit the church.
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Lumber River Ministries will present a concert of gospel music at Cottonville Baptist Church at 4888 Plank Road, Norwood, at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
The Lumber River Quartet are a well known southern gospel ministry that travels and ministers all across the U.S. and Canada. Ronald, Glenn and Greg have appeared on TV, radio and are national recording artists.
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Pine Grove United Methodist Church, 28766 N.C. Highway 24-27, Albemarle, will have homecoming at 11 a.m. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Charles Hutchens, Pine Grove pastor from 1990-93.
A covered dish luncheon will follow at noon.
At 6 p.m., the Hatley Family Singers will perform.
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Union Chapel Methodist Church, U.S. Highway 52 Business South, near fairgrounds, will have Second Sunday Lunch from 11:30 a.m.- 2 p.m.
The menu will be oven-baked barbecued chicken, limas, corn, choice of dessert and drink.
A donation of $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 is appreciated.
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Oak Grove UMC will welcome The Scott Family to lead its Second Sunday Gospel Singing at 6 p.m.
Join for an evening of gospel music, food and fellowship.
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Freedom Baptist Church of Locust will have its monthly gospel sing at 6 p.m.
This month the church will host The Promise Trio, out of Nashville, Tennessee.
There will be refreshments in the fellowship hall afterward.
Donations of non-perishable food items, or household needs such as soaps and hygiene items are appreciated for the church’s Outreach Ministries.
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McDonald Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church will have three days of homecoming revival services beginning at 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Guest speaker for the homecoming kickoff will be the Rev. Anthony Neal, pastor of First Baptist Church, Badin.
Dinner will be served after the morning service.
Revival services will be at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Guest speaker for the two-night event will be the Rev. Harold Timberlake, pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Badin, along with his choir and congregation.
All are welcomed.
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Paul’s Crossing Baptist Church, 40461 Paul’s Crossing Road, Richfield, will have its annual homecoming service at 11 a.m. Sunday. Former Pastor Rev. Keith Walters will be the guest speaker. A covered dish luncheon will be held in the fellowship hall after the morning worship service.
Revival services will be 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. The Rev. Danny Laws, pastor of South Albemarle Baptist Church, will offer a message.
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Mt. Zion Lutheran Church in Richfield will have vacation Bible school. The theme is “Have Faith in God: Lessons from Daniel.” Join for a light supper at 6 each evening, followed by classes and activities for adults and children ages 3 and up.
Call the church at 704-463-7280 or visit for more information and a registration form.
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Sunday-Aug. 16
Hillside Baptist Church, 930 Concord Road, Albemarle, will host visiting speaker Rev. Jack Hildreth from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Monroe.
Revival begins at 6 p.m. Sunday and is at 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
A nursery will be provided for children birth to 4.
There will be special singing every night.
The Rev. Mike Rinehardt and congregation welcome everyone to these special services.
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Aug. 18
Welcome Baptist Church in Albemarle will have “Game On” vacation Bible school 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Call or text Joy at 704-438-5564 to register your child by Aug. 11.
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The gospel singers The Redeemed trio will sing at New Life Lutheran Church at 4 p.m. The community is invited to attend. John Kahl is the Pastor.
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Aug. 19
NewLife Church, 157 Browns Hill Road, Locust, will host a blood drive through Community Blood Center of the Carolinas from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Call 1-888-59-BLOOD or visit to make an appointment.
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Aug. 20-26
Living Waters Ministries, 308 N. Central Ave., Locust, will have revival with evangelist Daniel Woods at 7 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Aug. 26.
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Aug. 26
Kinza Memorial Baptist Church, 4311 Love Mill Road, Stanfield, will have its annual homecoming worship service at 10:45 a.m.
The Rev. Randy Berryhill will be guest speaker.
A covered-dish luncheon will follow the 10:45 a.m. worship service in the church fellowship hall.
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Aug. 27-29
Kinza Memorial Baptist Church, 4311 Love Mill Road, Stanfield, will have revival at 7 p.m.
Rev. Michael Dunwoody, pastor of the New Beginning Bible Church of Cloudland, Georgia will be guest speaker.
Guests are expected and everyone is welcome to attend.
For further details call Pastor Darrell Nance at 704-888-0807.
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Aug. 29
Anderson Grove Baptist Church will begin its Awana program at 6:30 p.m. at the church, 2225 E. Main St., Albemarle. Ages 3-5th grade.
For ages 3 through fifth grade, this free event includes games, snacks, Bible stories and scripture memorization.
Call 704-982-2203 to register.
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Sept. 8
Uwharrie Community Church, 1510 Moss Springs Road, Albemarle, will sponsor a women’s conference called “At The Well.”
The event will be filled with inspiration through songs, drama, speakers, comedy and more.
Special guests include Cheryl Fellores, Michelle McNair, Donna Smith and Karen Messick.
Breakfast will be at 8 a.m. and the event will start at 9 a.m. The event is free.
For reservations, go to:
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Kinza Memorial Baptist Church, 4311 Love Mill Road, Stanfield, is participating with the NC Baptist on Mission on a project called Appalachian Christmas Outreach.
The Appalachian Coalfields ministry seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people living in the Appalachian area.
The goal is to collect 15,000 backpacks for children ages 4-15 in the states of North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
Kinza Memorial Baptist Church is leading this project in Stanly County.
Kinza seeks help in providing backpacks filled with winter hats, gloves, socks, hygiene kits, Bibles and candy.
If your church ministry or organization can help, call Kinza Memorial Baptist Church at 704-888-0807 and leave a message.
Assistance is greatly appreciated.