CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COLUMN: Managers Association set to return
Published 9:05 am Friday, June 4, 2021
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The Stanly County Chamber has been working on plans for the upcoming months and for the year.

Sandy Selvy-Mullis
We are excited to announce the return of the Stanly County Managers Association. The Stanly County Managers Association is a partnership with the Stanly Community College Small Business Center and the Stanly Community College: Economic and Workforce Development Division.
The SCMA meets monthly for specific training topics, to learn current business trends and for professional networking. The next meeting is June 15 at noon at the Stanly Community College Small Business Center at 143 N, 2nd St., Albemarle.
The subject for the meeting will be cyber security with presenter Jeff Drake. A lunch will be provided and we ask that you register for this event at:
The meetings will continue monthly with alternating locations. Please make sure you notify the chamber if you are not receiving email notifications regarding SCMA.
Another project we are excited to announce is a revised membership directory. This year we will include information about Stanly County for the people and companies relocating to Stanly County.
Each year more than 10 million people and thousands of companies thinking about relocation start their research online. Most then turn to the local Chamber of Commerce.
The new 2021 combination Chamber of Commerce Business Directory and Newcomer Guide is a comprehensive resource created to meet both traditional and online demands.
The directory will include a Business Directory with each Chamber member listed twice – alphabetically and categorically, Community Information, Economic Profile & Demographics, Newcomer Information and a Great Resource Guide. This encompasses everything great about our traditional chamber directory with additional information for current residents and newcomers. This is the “must have” for all local companies interested in new residents and new and established businesses.
The result: A “One-Stop Shop” specifically targeted to people and companies wishing to move to our area. Hard copies are mailed to inquirers and placed throughout the county. A yearlong interactive internet version is accessible from the websites of both the Chamber of Commerce, www.stanlychamber.
Chamber members please verify that your company’s information is current. Visit the Chamber website, member login and log in to your account and update your information. Or if you prefer, contact Sandy Selvy-Mullis at 704-982-8116 for company profile changes.
This project is a partnership with the Stanly News and Press. Please contact your Stanly News & Press account executive for advertising information.
We will be announcing several more ribbon cuttings in the next few weeks. Please follow our social media sites to keep up to date.
Mark your calendar now for our summer and fall events: SCCoC Golf Classic on Aug. 17 at Piney Point Golf Club in Norwood (call now to register your team); Stanly County Safety Awards Banquet Luncheon on Nov. 8; Albemarle Rotary Club & Stanly County Chamber of Commerce Reverse Raffle on Nov. 13 at The Market Station in Downtown Albemarle.
Follow our website and social media sites for updated programs and event information.
Sandy Selvy-Mullis is president and CEO of the Stanly County Chamber of Commerce.