SNAP BACK IN TIME – 1981 – Stanly clerk named Outstanding Clerk in North Carolina

SNAP Back In Time takes a look back at newsmakers from yesteryear. 

Tuesday, April 14, 1981


Rachel Goins, clerk to the Stanly County Board of Commissioners, received a plaque at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Association of County Clerks as the Outstanding Clerk in North Carolina for the year.

“I am delighted that Mrs. Goins has received this recognition which I feel is richly deserved. It reflects credit upon Stanly County and its government,” Hazel D. Efird, chairman of the county commissioners, said. He had nominated her for the honor.

She was also elected president of the association in a meeting at the Blockade Runner, Wrightsville Beach, April 9-11.

During the past year she served as director of the association and was chairwoman of the Program Committee for the convention at Wrightsville.
