PEEKING INTO THE PAST: Battle of the Bulge

Everett Callaway was born May 6, 1921, in Stanly County. The May 21, 1946 Stanly News & Press, says he attended the mill schools and graduated from Albemarle High. Callaway entered the U.S. Army in June 1944, training at Camp Blanding in Florida before being sent to Europe. While in the Battle of the Bulge, on Jan. 11, 1945, Callaway was manning heavy machine guns when his leg was hit by a sniper’s bullet. During that fighting, he killed six enemy soldiers and knocked out two machine guns. Today’s photo shows Callaway being presented the Distinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second-highest award for military action, by Col. Samuel Browne at ceremonies at Moore General Hospital in Swannanoa. According to his obit, Callaway became a contractor. He was buried in Pollocksville Cemetery in Jones County. Send an email to to add to his story. {Lewis Bramlett – Stanly County Historical Society}