NEW LONDON NEWS: Street will be renamed after former pastor
Street Renaming

Vanessa Chambers
At 1:30 p.m. Oct. 8 at Glendale Street near Union Chapel Church in Albemarle there will be a celebration of naming a street after the late Bishop James Richardson, who served as a pastor in this community for 40 years.
All are invited to come out and celebrate this joyous day with the Richardson family and friends of Stanly County.

James Richardson, former pastor at Saints Delight Church in Albemarle and a pillar in the community.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Alma Nabinett and Sadie Knight, who celebrate birthdays this month.
Prayer Concerns
Hattie Lee Gaston, Cynthia Greene, Gerogianna, Haywood, James Nabinett, Brenda Spencer, Lugiene Davis, Ronald Kilgore, Mary Frances Edwards, Delsia Allen ,Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gaddy, Freddie Rush, Max and Gloria Culp, Sadie Knight, Kathleen Kirk, Sylvia Owens, Larry Owens, Marilyn Tucker, Jane Van- Sinderen, Juliett Richardson, Gregory and Judy Haywood, Conrad Scarbourgh, Fran Scarbourgh, Chuck Anderson, Nola Doby, Douglas Waddell, Leon Brown, Sue Turner, Derrick Baldwin, Alma Nabinett, Margaret Hinson Young, Patricia Stanback, Darald Harris, Carolyn Thompson and Danny Plowman.
Our hearts goes out to the family of the late MaKayla Davis, and to the family of the late Cameron Davis.
New London news is by Vanessa Chambers. Anyone with news is asked to call 704-463-5255 or mail to PO Box 81, New London, NC 28127.