Red Cross to consider minimum lot sizes for homes

At the next meeting of the Red Cross Town Council, the board will consider increasing minimum lot sizes for homes.

During the February meeting of the town’s planning board, Andrew Smith, a town council member serving ex officio on the planning board, suggested the change, according to the meeting’s minutes.

The planning board voted 5-0 to approve increasing the minimum lot size for a residential/agricultural (R/A) zone from 40,000 square feet (less than one acre) to 100,000 square feet (approximately 2.3 acres).

According to planning board director Lionel Hahn, the town plans to also create an R-40 zone for houses with lot size minimums at 40,000 square feet.

At the March meeting of the planning and zoning board, the board delayed making a recommendation for or against a proposed housing development in a location between Jacob and Ridgecrest streets.

Currently, the plan submitted at the meeting by Blue Collar Realty, owned by Eric and Kristina Storey, would have 14 lots, with the smallest being approximately one acre and the largest at 2.36 acres.

A public hearing will take place at the town hall at 7 p.m. Monday before the regularly scheduled town meeting.
