Stanly Arts Guild presents scholarships
The Stanly Arts Guild has awarded two art scholarships for 2023.
The $1,000 Patricia Blake Hartley Scholarship, sponsored by the Hartley Family, is shared by two students, Catherine Laws and Eli Williams, each receiving a check to their respective colleges for $500.

Catherine Laws
Laws, the daughter of Ryan and Angela Laws, is a rising junior at Appalachian State University majoring in art education.
Williams, the son of John, Jr. and Nicole Williams, is a rising senior at UNC Chapel Hill, and is majoring in studio art.

Eli Williams
The Guild is most grateful to the family of Patricia Blake Hartley for its continuing sponsorship of this award, which has assisted many aspiring young artists working their way toward a career that they love.
A second $1,000 scholarship, sponsored by the Guild, was awarded to Annie Phillips, daughter of Carol Phillips.

Annie Phillips
Phillips is a musician and artist and a 2023 graduate of South Stanly High School.
Her work has been on display at the Stanly Arts Guild for several weeks this spring and summer.
She will enter UNC Greensboro as a freshman this fall, with a major in music and minor in studio art.