LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stop the hatred
We are totally baffled.
Fifteen years ago, when my husband and I were “called” to Stanly County to become stewards of our farmland, we met all kinds of good folks.
As president of the Democratic Women of Stanly County, I was blessed to meet folks from all races and backgrounds here, in addition to those of the Republican Party, like the chair of the County Commission and others who were our neighbors and acquaintances from our involvement in our faith community and service projects around the county.
On two early years, we hosted a New Year’s Day event for as many folks who could attend, folks from all of those we met above. We hosted the present chairman of the County Commission for dinner on another occasion.
We were blessed to be a part of this community.
What is happening now to the goodwill of people in our nation? Why all the rancor and encouragement to be violent towards others who might not believe in the same things or look like us or worship like us?
Now, with having to still wear our masks when we are in public because of our age/health, the friendliness of the community seems to be waning. I try to greet people with my eyes and with my words, but the ugliness is creeping in. I see it.
And I’m afraid. I’m afraid of the leaders in our country who should be condemning the divisiveness and the call to violence. Why the silence or even the words of encouragement?
I call on the present county commissioners to join us, from the dais, in person and in social media, in condemning all the ill will that is occurring at school board meetings and anywhere it may be popping up.
My family and I want to live in peace the way it was 15 years ago. Don’t you?
Nancy C. Bryant