Stanly County Museum, Historical Society will host Living History Day

The Stanly County Museum and the Stanly County Historical Society will host their third Living History Day 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 30.

This event continues to grow, with this year offering more activities and re-enactors than previous years.

The 30th North Carolina Troops, Company K, and Locke’s Militia will be on hand to show visitors military life during the Revolutionary and Civil wars. Musket firing drills will be held every hour.

There will also be woodworking, candle making and hands-on interaction with 18th century toys.

Children will also get the opportunity to make their own jump rope, provided by John’s Rope Making. Surgeon herbalist Robert Cooke will be present to talk about his colonial era physician and surgeon equipment that he has been collecting for more than 20 years.

Craig Smith, with John’s Rope Making, teaches Riley Sullivan-Mailhot how to make her own jump rope. (Contributed)

The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Yadkin River Patriots, will present “Colonial Recipes,” and will demonstrate some colonial cooking utensils, raffle off a couple of colonial recipe books and have samples of colonial recipes.

The event also includes “The Great Frontier Bake Off,” with 11 participants making 19th century recipes to be judged by Rosebriar pie maker Melissa Eudy.

The event will be at the Snuggs and Marks House museums, with both houses open for tours. The houses are at 112 N. 3rd St., Albemarle.

This is a free event.

Call the museum at 704-986-3777 or email for more information.
