THE LIBRARY LOOKOUT COLUMN: Stanly County Public Library has much to offer during National Library Week, Poetry Month
April showers bring … exciting celebrations to the library.
April is the month for both National Library Week and National Poetry Month.We will have several ways for our patrons to celebrate with us.

Melanie Holles
National Library Week is April 4-10. This year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library” and Natalie Portman is the national spokesperson.
“Welcome to Your Library” promotes the idea that libraries extend far beyond the four walls of a building — and that everyone is welcome to use our services.
How can you help us celebrate?
Tune into the Monday meeting of the Stanly County Board of Commissioners as we ask them to proclaim the week as National Library Week for Stanly County.
We will have a word search and coloring page available for children to pick up at any library location. We also encourage you to visit our website at to place a hold on a book or other print resources or to check out one of the many ebooks or magazines we have access to.
You can also participate in the #MyLibraryIs promotion on social media by sharing what you love about the resources and services available at your library. Post to Instagram, Twitter, the Stanly County Public Library Facebook page or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page, about an e-book, audiobook, virtual storytime or book club, or how your library has made a difference while you’ve been social distancing at home. Use the hashtag #MyLibraryIs.
Entries from across the nation will be gathered and one randomly selected winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card. (This contest is not sponsored by SCPL).
To celebrate National Poetry Month we will have a takeaway craft for adults that combines art and poetry and fun. Blackout Poetry is created by finding words on the pages of a book to create a poem and then blacking out all of the other words on the pages. Instructions and a list of poetry books available at the library will be included in the packet.
We know school is ending soon and we are busy preparing for the summer reading program. “Tails and Tales” is the theme for this year. This year we will still be mostly online, but we will have activities and reading challenges for children and teens.
We are now open an extra hour in the evenings and soon will be open regularly scheduled Saturday hours. Staff are always able to assist by calling 704-986-3755. We would love to see you or talk on the phone. We even can chat on Facebook if you need.