West Stanly High Class of 1963 meets for 60th year reunion

On July 29 the West Stanly High School Class of 1963, the first graduating class for West Stanly, convened at The Rosebriar Restaurant in Albemarle to celebrate its 60th year class reunion. Classmates from as far away as Florida and Georgia were among the 30 alumni attending. Seated, from left, are: Pat Almond Hinson, Patricia Radford Honeycutt, J. C. Page, Roger Tucker, Naomi Osborne Hatley, Glenn Hatley, Diana Huneycutt Dry, Kay Brooks Haigler, Sylvia Austin Lovingood, Roger Hill; standing: Clyde Honeycutt, Larry Baucom, Eddie Morton, R.W. Brooks, Tony Little, Marilyn Easley, Jim Huneycutt, Frances Eudy Whitley, Lennox McLendon, Connie Wilburn Efird, Jerry Morton, Terry Harleson, Hilton Barbee, Brenda Clontz Horn, Donald Misenheimer, Joyce Hodge Faulkner, Blanche Tucker Trogdon, Ross Huneycutt, Bill Brattain, John Morgan. (Contributed)